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The Cull And Hunt... Road To A Rebellion...

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Professor Barbaria came into the house and yelled “Blaire, where in the hell
are you?”

I run down the steps calling “I am coming, Mistress!”

She is so damn drunk! Her blouse is stained with red wineas she peeled off her suit, blouse, and her lingerie. God Damn, I don’t care if I am just her slave; I want her for the night…

Gruffly she drags me by my arm and takes me to her bedroom. She tosses me on the bed and slurs “Make me happy, Blaire!”

I do my best…

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She seems satisfied but grabs me and pulls me down the hall. Mistress is staggering the whole way then she opens the door and pushes me in. For Christ’s sake, Gunner is the guest room!

“It’s been a while since I have had this sweet putain!” he says.

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A little longer wouldn’t have upset me at all!!!

Professor Barbaria came into the house and yelled “Blaire, where in the hell
are you?”

I run down the steps calling “I am coming, Mistress!”

She is so damn drunk! Her blouse is stained with red wineas she peeled off her suit, blouse, and her lingerie. God Damn, I don’t care if I am just her slave; I want her for the night…

Gruffly she drags me by my arm and takes me to her bedroom. She tosses me on the bed and slurs “Make me happy, Blaire!”

I do my best…

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She seems satisfied but grabs me and pulls me down the hall. Mistress is staggering the whole way then she opens the door and pushes me in. For Christ’s sake, Gunner is the guest room!

“It’s been a while since I have had this sweet putain!” he says.

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A little longer wouldn’t have upset me at all!!!


Uh oh Blaire.....see what happens when mistress gets herself soused....you get left to the other owners! :eek:
Tree walks in smelling of sweat, booze, and cigarettes. He is just what I need tonight. I tell him I was glad he could come because after today with Marilyn I need a hard fucking. He lights a Marlboro and takes a drag from his flask. He hears Blaire screaming in the guest bedroom and says “That sounds like Blaire. Is she with Bull or Gunner

“It’s Gunner.”

“Wouldn’t he have been a ‘hard fuck’?” Tree asks.

“I have to teach tomorrow” Barb explains “and I’d rather not walk bowlegged before the class.”

If Tree had an ounce of pride he would have walked out after the slight to wheezer. Instead he watched Barbaria strip then tied her spread-eagle on the bed. Barbaria explained as he tied her that Blaire would be her ‘Show-and-Tell’ in the class the next day and she was doing the little slave a favor for warming her up with Gunner before worked his ‘magic’ on her the next afternoon.

“Does she know that’s what she is being readied for?” Tree asks me.

“What difference does it make? She is a slave. But I will tell her in the morning just to see the dread on her face” I tell him. “How is the ‘Cull and Hunt’ selling?”

“The cull is running a bit above average- probably because of your students that could really become student bodies but the slave hunt is off the fucking charts.”

“That’s good to hear” I tell Tree (I don’t mention the cut I am getting out of this!) then ask “Are you going stuff that dirty sweaty cock in my mouth or not???”

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He did...

Marilyn Scanlan woke up the next morning and looked up the United Federation of Slave Traders Association (UFSTA BV. Amsterdam, Netherlands). She waited until Liz left for her early class before lighting up a Madame Wu and dialed the number on the web site. A woman answered and said “Thank you for calling the United Federation of Slave Traders Association. This is Ulrika, how may I help you?”

“My name is Marilyn Scanlan. I am in Professor Barb’s class at the University of the Virgin Martyrs. I need to talk to your president, Admi?”

“That is a bit presumptuous of you to think you could call and speak to the president. Besides, I must warn you trying to bribe the fair and honest president and Judge Admi could guarantee you will be part of the cull!”

“You don’t understand!!! I want to be in the cull, you dumb bitch!!!” Marilyn hissed. “Who the hell am I talking to, again?”
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“I’m Ulrika. I’m his executive secretary and his ‘go-to’ girl when he can’t do a red-head. And your name again?”

“Marilyn Scanlan” Marilyn groaned…


Tree must leave this den of inequity for the night so he may live to type another day...

...Be well all you villains, vamps, and victims...


...what do you mean the last one is an 'oxymoron' Ulrika...
Tree must leave this den of inequity for the night so he may live to type another day...

...Be well all you villains, vamps, and victims...


...what do you mean the last one is an 'oxymoron' Ulrika...

Checking his prose late at night....

Mona_Naked_reading_09__DSC8219.jpg ... Tree's "slave editor" Barb, and her assistant Leo
The next morning Barbaria was on the deck of cabin when she heard Blaire in the kitchen. She turned asked through the opened doors “Good morning, slave, how are you feeling?”
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Blaire groaned “I feel like I had a jackhammer rammed in my cunt.”

Barbaria walked into the kitchen and gently brushed her fingers over Blaire’s petite breasts. She said “I made you some herbal tea.”

She grabbed a glass and poured it half full of the tea. Blaire winced when she tasted it but it had a strangely calming effect. Barbaria told her to relax and she leaned against the counter. When she was half done with the tea Barbaria said “Blaire, I’m taking you to my class today. When you finish your tea I want you to go to my bedroom and put on the outfit I laid out for you.”

Blaire looked confused but said nothing until Barbaria encouraged Blaire to speak. Blaire said “I don’t know why have be dressed.”

“That is because I wish to demonstrate to the class what being a slave entails. You will be stripped before the class and used by Bull. After that there will be a question and answer period where the class will quiz you about your life as a slave. When you are being quizzed you will look straight ahead avoiding eye contact with anyone in the room. You will answer loudly and honestly no matter how personal the question. You do not want to be punished tonight if you fail to obey.”

Blaire looked down at the tea both fearing the day ahead and hurt Mistress Barbaria would submit her to such an event…
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