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The Trial of Barbaria1

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In the words, of our Queen, “there’ll be hell to pay if those fools don’t knock it off with the jokes, rhymes, and other insolent behaviors soon.”
Seriously, knock it off guys.

knock it off.jpg
Queen Barbaria1 has fallen into a deeply depressive mood. She cannot understand why the opposition to her enlightened and benevolent rule of CruxForums is encountering such dogged resistance from certain malcontents.

Indeed, she has taken to the bottle to drown her disappointments, and has called upon @Jollyrei to console, consul and generally cheer her up. Which is asking a lot of someone who dresses in black, lacks bodily substance (some say you can nearly see straight through him and that he has to run around in the shower to get wet), and is generally known to express the most exceedingly pessimistic views on the meaning and end of life.

Meanwhile, the Cruxton Abbey scullery, now enlarged to three times its former size, is jam packed with apprehended miscreants of varying types, as well as mountains of unpeeled potatoes. Rumor has it that the Abbey’s cellar torture chamber is currently undergoing “mysterious renovations” in anticipation of coming “needs” should resistance to Queen Barbaria’s enlightened and benevolent regime continue unabated.

In the words, of our Queen, “there’ll be hell to pay if those fools don’t knock it off with the jokes, rhymes, and other insolent behaviors soon.”

And those fools, of course, know exactly who they are. Take heed and toe the line …. OR ELSE!!!!
Potatos in the scullery
Queen Barb very depri
B’cause potatos not mashed
And revolt not smashed
She turns for help to Jolly
Indeed, she has taken to the bottle to drown her disappointments, and has called upon @Jollyrei to console, consult and generally cheer her up.
Indeed, she has taken to the bottle to drown her disappointments, and has called upon @Jollyrei to console, consul and generally cheer her up.
Madiosi-2022-107-Barb Bath.jpg
Which is asking a lot of someone who dresses in black, lacks bodily substance (some say you can nearly see straight through him and that he has to run around in the shower to get wet), and is generally known to express the most exceedingly pessimistic views on the meaning and end of life.
Indeed, she has taken to the bottle to drown her disappointments, and has called upon @Jollyrei to console, consul and generally cheer her up.
View attachment 1144470
Which is asking a lot of someone who dresses in black, lacks bodily substance (some say you can nearly see straight through him and that he has to run around in the shower to get wet), and is generally known to express the most exceedingly pessimistic views on the meaning and end of life.
that’s okay. Lame is part of the game here. :D

Indeed, she has taken to the bottle to drown her disappointments, and has called upon @Jollyrei to console, consul and generally cheer her up.
View attachment 1144470
Which is asking a lot of someone who dresses in black, lacks bodily substance (some say you can nearly see straight through him and that he has to run around in the shower to get wet), and is generally known to express the most exceedingly pessimistic views on the meaning and end of life.

Riesling to suck
A skeleton for f*ck
It’s part of the game
Of Her Majesty’s fame
Lame as a duck:calimero1:

(damn! I started to produce such stupid rhymes myself now! How desperate can someone get under absolutist tyranny?).:eek::facepalm::BangHead:
Riesling to suck
A skeleton for f*ck
It’s part of the game
Of Her Majesty’s fame
Lame as a duck:calimero1:

(damn! I started to produce such stupid rhymes myself now! How desperate can someone get under absolutist tyranny?).:eek::facepalm::BangHead:
To the scullery with you!!!!! That is, if I haven’t sent you there already!
But... but... Twonines has peeled all the spuds!

Oh, yes,

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you can peel and chop this lot, Loxuru!

That's it, I am out of here. Taking this bottle of Riesling with me as evidence.

the great escape.jpg Doragon's great escape
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