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You have to organise a passion play

What has to be shown and not implied?

  • Bonding, wearing patibulum

    Votes: 56 61.5%
  • flogging

    Votes: 68 74.7%
  • nudity: penis or vagina visible

    Votes: 67 73.6%
  • moking

    Votes: 27 29.7%
  • anal rape

    Votes: 24 26.4%
  • cornu

    Votes: 32 35.2%
  • nailing

    Votes: 55 60.4%
  • a female christ

    Votes: 51 56.0%
  • nothing should be shown

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • also nothing should be implied, just bible will be read.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Interesting idea. Definitely needs a female Christ. One caution, do not include the mention of anyone underage as this goes forward. Our site does not allow that, and I deleted a mention from one of the posts above,
Yes, I saw that problem. Fortunately, the sermons are visited by adults (in my country, most people there are far beyond there 70is). It may be very well the case that this prevented the churches to really explain the gospels completely.
"Hello, new church members", greeted pastor Chuck Denbringer (55), the three youngest church members, Paul William, Peter Warner and Mercedes Cargill, "after you reached the age 20 this year, you have to visit the sermons of our true and only church this year." Chuck looks happily at the newly saved souls. "You visit the easter sermon next week. As new members you have to help me. In the first five minutes you help to distribute the traditional Easter eggs in the church. Yes, I know actually this is a pagan tradition, but all of our church members loves them. You know, Jesus himself was a person likes to have a good meal and he often had a funny time with the people. We will explain the funny idea of the rabbit and his eggs, while eating them and then I slowly explain the true meaning of Easter."

Chuck looks at three beautifully manufactured ivory crosses lying on the floor of the church. "Paul, tell your father how thankfully we all are for the nice crosses he made for us. We position them behind the altar on the backside wall of the church, the holes for the screws I already made could you help me to finish the job?"

The four fix the crosses on the wall, which was quite easy. The patibulum was at the heigh of 4 m about the ground and the cross looks quite stylish, considering the dark wood on the white wall. After doing the work the four sit together eating each one an Easter egg, while Chuck brought four bottles of coke.

'After, you distributed the eggs, you will stand in front of the altar. I will introduce you, with names, family connections and your school or work position, now", explains pastor Denbringer looking at the three pages he got from the new church members.

'After that, you have to sit on the three cubicles behind the altar', continues Chuck: 'yes could be annoying, but the church members should keep you in mind. We are very proud of the personal and friendly relations. After all, we are family, actually, we are all the brothers of Jesus....'

'If we, could move the cubicles a little, we could stand on them, spreading the arm and could impersonate the crucifixion', suggested an enthusiastically Mercedes.

'Hmm, I do not know', answers Chuck, 'a little overdone, and we are a protestant denomination. It is also very hard toi keep up the arms nearly an hour. But lets try, how it looks.'

Obviously the coke and the eggs brought the four in adventure mode and they pushed the cubicles in front of the crosses. Mercedes climbs on one, turns around, lift her arms and can really reach the patibulum.

'Looks like the size is exactly right for this, we should do it as Mercedes suggested', states Paul.

After some discussion all agree finally. Mercedes will be Jesus in the middle, Paul the good thief right and Peter on the left cross.

'You will have to wear a decent long dress, Mercedes', orders Chuck, 'since you stand at a higher place.'


Then the Easter sermon comes, the three new church members in beautiful Sunday clothes arrive at church and yes the dress of Mercedes really reaches her feet. The sermon progresses. After the introduction of the three newbies, Chuck thanks the Warner inc for the crosses and explains:

'Our new members had the idea to stand before the crosses with spread arms. You will see how painful this is after short time and we understand a little better the pain our Lord and Saviour went through. I made some loops at the patibulum, that is the horizontal bar, so they can relax a little.'

The people applaud for that idea and they saw the three newbies standing about half an hour till the sermon finally ended. Chuck had to speed up his pastoring a little as he saw that his new church member reaching their limits.
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Just a technical question : is the passion play scheduled for Easter Sunday, or, rather historically correct, on Good Friday?:confundio1:
It was Sunday, remember a protestant denomination and Chuck I guess reviewed then whole event. But I see I had to bring in more the technical details of the sermons. Anyway we are now Tuesday after the Easter at the church council meeting:

Sermon 2:

Steve Cox (70) is the senior member of the church council and opens the general discussion at the church council:

'Dear, pastor, we got very positive response, about the symbolic acting of the new church members Mercedes, Peter and Paul. We should try to use that positive moment and I suggest that any sermon, three of our church members will stand before the cross and remember the sacrifice of our Lord.'

'Peter and Paul, people on the cross? Did I enter the separated catholic church?' asks John Houston, a crazy looking man, who was rumored to be thrown out of an university and now is the local plumber.

'It is "holy" and yes we know that holy means separated', begins Steve a dispute.

'I am literally holy from the holies', means John.

'You are not holy at the hell', says Steve.

'Unfortunately, I am not there because satan personally threw me from his carriage, when I refused to lye against the holy thermodynamics and I was dumped here', answers John.

'Please, brothers!' interrupts Chuck, 'we will visualize to remember the central dogma of our believe and not to start a cult. If you have a suggestion John, please do not make your heart a place for murder, just speak out.'

'Okeeleydockeley, brothers', starts John, 'I think we should then address and symbolize the treatments of Jesus, while we discuss that topic and importantly always another three members of church play that role to indicate that we are all equal brothers of Jesus.'

'Then, we start with something that our Simpson fan, John, will not like', suggest Frank William the man who made the ivory crosses and the father of Paul, 'I suggest the three persons are undressed properly for the cross and we bind them, to simulate nailing. Do you volunteer Steve, me not, I have the highest BMI of the church.'

'I have no problem with that, finally my bodybuilding is worth something', means Steve.

'Well, well, well, brothers do not push the borders to wide', calms pastor Chuck, 'we can however show the people wearing a loincloth, nothing perverse than what you see at the local swimming pool. Would you do that for us Steve? You, and your two 45 and 47 year old sons Ethan and Hawk?'

'I will ask them', answers Steve, 'and with that we close our meeting!'

The church assembly resolves only John murmurs and we hear the words: 'slave, loincloth, schoolboys, catholics' and somewhat louder 'cathholes'.
It was Sunday, remember a protestant denomination and Chuck I guess reviewed then whole event.
I am indeed not familiar with protestant practices (Catholic's I know from hearsay).

'Unfortunately, I am not there because satan personally threw me from his carriage, when I refused to lye against the holy thermodynamics and I was dumped here'
The bad thief believes in thermodynamics!:rolleyes:
I am indeed not familiar with protestant practices (Catholic's I know from hearsay).
There are sermons on the good Friday, but Easter is a more important date, so in my invented denomination the new church members are introduced that day. They are relatively old because it is a small church and they start entering the normal church service with 20.
The bad thief believes in thermodynamics!:rolleyes:
You probably did not notice, but we have a crisis in the official science and "non-believers" are thrown out of the official schools and universities, such as in the religious systems of the Middle Ages. John Huston is thought of such a person and will serve as the critical thinking voice in the story. He will comment but not be crucified.
You probably did not notice, but we have a crisis in the official science and "non-believers" are thrown out of the official schools and universities, such as in the religious systems of the Middle Ages. John Huston is thought of such a person and will serve as the critical thinking voice in the story. He will comment but not be crucified.
My first impression of John is, that he is a young fanatic, when it concerns the purity of his religion, and that the conflict with the university was about the fact that he perceived thermodynamics as 'satanic', because some of its laws may implicitely defy religion. In RL, there are believers (either Catholic or Protestant), or even humanists, and all highly educated people, who have an abbhorrance against the second law of thermodynamics, because the implication of chaos does not fit their belief or their world view.

But, just carry on! It is not intended as critics on your story!
My first impression of John is, that he is a young fanatic, when it concerns the purity of his religion, and that the conflict with the university was about the fact that he perceived thermodynamics as 'satanic', because some of its laws may implicitely defy religion. In RL, there are believers (either Catholic or Protestant), or even humanists, and all highly educated people, who have an abbhorrance against the second law of thermodynamics, because the implication of chaos does not fit their belief or their world view.

But, just carry on! It is not intended as critics on your story!
John and Steve are "elders" at our church, so you better imagine close to the 70is and would look like this one, not sure if it is Steve or John...


John, however is replaced at university by a young female who managed to look a lot uglier than her predecessor but is able to use gender-correct language. Thermodynamics has no problem with the bible since it has the correct time arrow, not like the evolution, or the Big Bang theory.
I have a ridiculous problem. Naturally I always imagined people nude on cross, see my avatar. I even have no loincloth pics of me, so do we make


looks sexy, or that version which is attributed to the Egyptians?


ok, remember we have a 70 year old Steve, but makes bodybuilding.

the first looks more sexy


or just use whatever?

70 years and bodybuilding looks like that

famous 85-year-old Jim Arrington

Writing on the loincloth of Steve Cox (70) and his two over 40is sons, I think that pic


can be as depiction (Fra Carnevale, circa 1445–1467) and looks reasonable. Most others I saw were looking as if Christ had a bath towel wrapped around his genitals, not realistic or even blasphemous.
Sermon 2:

Steve Cox (70) , Ethan Cox (45) and Hawk Cox on display

Steve Cox had no problems to convince his two sons Ethan and Hawk, to take part of the sermon as background on the cross. An hour before the start of the official celebration, he and his two sons enter dressed with a bathing robe the backside entry.

'Hello my brave brothers', they are great by pastor Chuck. He holds in his right hand three thin linen cloth in a grayish color. Ethan and Hawk step out of the bathing robe. As her father they both have done a lot of body building, so their muscular bodys are very impressive. Even more impressive are their large dicks which are rock-hard.

'I thought, body-building smallens the penis?', asks pastor Chuck.

'Only, when you take hormones and chemicals', answers Steve, 'we do not do that, it is unhealthy. You should also visit our studio, pastor, you would have fun pressing the bank and not the ships.'

Ethan and Hawk in the meantime are looking cluelessly at their linen cloth. Their father angrily looking at the erections of his sons: 'No wonder, your blood is not in your brain, look!' With that he shows how to make a loincloth. He holds the linen cloth in front then through his legs to his back. Bring it up from back to front, then from right to left around his waist. He wraps it around, takes the front part and put a knot at the backside.

'What you think Chuck?', ask Steve, 'I know, it is not the loincloth of the roman style. Do we have hints, how the loincloth of Jesus was bound?'

'I actually do not know. I personally believe that he was nude on the cross, and there was some playing with a “kingly” robe to mock him by the guards', answers Chuck,'when you look at old crucifixion depictions mostly they look strange. I know one pic of a painter named Fra Carnevale, living from 1445–1467, which depicts the loincloth as you wear now, so just stay like that.'

Hawk tries to copy his fathers loincloth handling but his hard dick is in the way. 'Your hard dick is in the way', remarks pastor Chuck, 'you have to solve that problem first.' Hawk and Ethan began to masturbate. 'I thought of a cold shower, or the like', says pastor Chuck, 'we have a shower in the other room.' With that he and Steve leave the room for preparing the sermon.

While Chuck and Steve were discussing in the preaching room, John Huston also joins, since he is always early in the sermon. Under his arm is a book, which he normally reads before the sermon starts. He smiles at Steve: 'So you will be crucified today? That will make mine. Sorry that I forgot the whip and the pilum to pierce

'Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over Him', cites Chuck Revelation 1,7.

'But, you are quite fit and good looking', calms down John. 'Thank you, as you would, when you would come more regularly to my gym', means Steve friendly.

'Good that you are here John', begins Chuck,'you can help me with crucifying Steve. Steve and I will crucify Hawk and Ethan, but with Steve you should help. Did you see? Frank improved our crosses. We have now slings on the patibulum for the arms and here for the feet. There is a sedile which we could turn in. You will be next to the crosses so you allow the crucified to sit on it.'

After some discussion John and the Cox family goes to the small preparation room, while pastor Chuck goes to the entry door to welcome the other church members.

At the beginning of the sermon, Steve Cox and his two adult sons are mentioned. They step out of the preparation room. The altar of the church is standing on little higher stage. The seventy year old Steve and his nearly 50 year old sons step to the frontside of the stage and make some body building poses. Chuck in the meantime explains the fact of the nude sports events, called Olympia, of the greeks and then the romans. For the jews of the time, they face 2 problems. The first problem is the nudity, which was more of a taboo in the jewish society than in the barbaric ones. At least the ones we know, naturally we do not know all of them. The second problem is the circumcision, which many jews which tried to be part of the roman society was a problem, when they exposed themselves to be jews.

Most women seem very interested in the poses of Steve, which despite his age could be part of the Chippendales and the reaction of the females were the same.

'We do not know, if the crucifixion of Jesus was mainly centered around the humiliation', continues pastor Chuck and he was able to be louder than the female members of the church,'we know that the sportsmen tried to hide the circumcision or to medically correct them in those times to hide their jewishness. Now, let us open the bible at....'

They read Jeremiah 4,4: 'Circumcise yourselves to the LORD, and take away the foreskins of your heart, ye men of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem: lest my fury come forth like fire, and burn that none can quench it, because of the evil of your doings.' And Chuck explains the symbolism of circumcision, which was executed as example by the jews, but naturally can be done symbolically by the gentiles. However, we should consider the medical issues of the removal of foreskins, which seem to advocate that removal is better. So he continues, also with the astonishing fact, that from a medical point of view, the time the circumcision is done by the jews is optimal. How can they know, without divine inspiration?

'We now come to the crucifixion of Steve, no I will not repeat the joke of Adam and Steve, the wife of Steve is also here...', continues pastor Chuck for the next part of the sermon. The three men to be crucified turn around exposing her butt cheeks much to the joy of the church members. First Ethan is put on cross. Steve lifts him up and Chuck fixes his arms in the slings on the patibulum. He immediately fell down and Chuck and Steve fixes his feet in the lower slings. That enables him to lift himself up, but is to uncomfortable to stand and sometimes he fells down still hanging on the arms. The same is done on the left side with Hawk. On the cross of Steve there is the small cubicle so Steve can stand up, turn around, spread his arms and is already in the right position so his arms are immediately fixed with the slings. John kicks away the cubicle and with a cry Steve fell down his arm stretched. John and Chuck fix the feet of Steve, which give him some relaxation and Chuck goes back into the front of the altar and continue its preaching. Meanwhile John stays close to the crosses to observe the health status of Steve, Hawk and Ethan.

Not much might reach the brains of the church members who look with fascination at the three crucified males. After some time they began with the “death dance”. After about 10 minutes John decides that Steve reaches his limits and expands the sedile so he can sit. He then makes the same for the crosses of Ethan and Hawk.

For the rest of the sermon the three were relaxing and the people could follow the rest of the sermon.
I now have to bring some relevation into the relegation. I have looked at japans Fundoshi, which are a little smaller than the loincloths.


they do not hide erections


and I had the impression Japan males like to use them at wet places so they can showoff

and naturally the penis can flip outside, which should be possible with loincloths too.

Has anyone experienced such a loincloth failure?


In the case of females the one part bathings suits sometimes do not cover anything also the Fundoshi do not cover the asshole, the same with strings
(one of the following is me....)

Fundoshi study 2

Naturally making some holiday pics, for the die meeting with friends and families....


water could make it visible, but how bring I water in the church? (Oh got idea!)


and a little less dense

re vealingfundoshi.jpg

Do not exclude females


and how to make it

Interesting thread! Preferences are different ofc, and personally I am not so interested in male crucifixion, main interest of mine is a possible story of the female Christ or a female martyr. (Although when I was young, the only crux available on film etc was related to JC, male crux in other words. I consumed everything available though, and tried to envision a 'Jessica Christ' instead of the original JC.....)

Back to the thread: As described above, I envision another story set up: Year 2032, female crux is becoming more and more accepted.

A female priest who is absolutley obsessed with the crucifixion story is diagnosed with incurable cancer. Since manyyears, she has envisoned herself naked and tortured, crucified as JC. This obsession was also the reason she became a priest. Now she decides that it must happen, she can't take it anymore, the crucifixion obsession is consuming her! She persuades a number of her trusted parochial members to help her setup a very realistic passion play with herself as the 'star'. Since she is a lesbian, the thiefs are played by women, but they are tied to their crosses. The priest herself goes through with 'the real thing'..............F PR.jpg
Interesting thread! Preferences are different ofc, and personally I am not so interested in male crucifixion, main interest of mine is a possible story of the female Christ or a female martyr.
Many females became martyr. I personally do not see a problem, when a passion play features a female christ. It is not the real christ anyway and as long as you do not say that the real christ was a female (I will go into that problem, later in the story). I will there also crucify females and wonder if that will look more like





DFG you might be interested in this, the earliest representation of the Crucifixion in Western art, 5th century. Note the loincloth.

Of course naked is better. Imagine how different things might have been if the birth of photography had not coincided with the Victorian era, and passion plays could have been performed more authentically.

But the problem with this, which I am sure you will explain yourself, is the risk of "unintended developments"
DFG you might be interested in this, the earliest representation of the Crucifixion in Western art, 5th century. Note the loincloth.
View attachment 1134847

Of course naked is better. Imagine how different things might have been if the birth of photography had not coincided with the Victorian era, and passion plays could have been performed more authentically.
View attachment 1134848

But the problem with this, which I am sure you will explain yourself, is the risk of "unintended developments"
View attachment 1134850View attachment 1134849
It looks like a Fundoshi, as expected. The other depiction I see seems just be a towel. I am pretty sure, that the actual crucifixion was completely nude, but naturally it was moked with the kingly robe, so it might be Jesus was with a kingly robe on cross, but I do not think. Well, I think it is an intended development and so that one is the closest depiction I would see on the passion play (you know the pic....)


naturally the reality would be lower and bigger.

Just as in Romas 8,3:"For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh..."

naturally an erection is not "sin" that is catholic thinking, I mean the "likeness".

However we see in the continuation. of my story, probably a comment. In some FKK/nudist groups erections are hidden, but in some they are not considered a problem.
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