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You have to organise a passion play

What has to be shown and not implied?

  • Bonding, wearing patibulum

    Votes: 56 61.5%
  • flogging

    Votes: 68 74.7%
  • nudity: penis or vagina visible

    Votes: 67 73.6%
  • moking

    Votes: 27 29.7%
  • anal rape

    Votes: 24 26.4%
  • cornu

    Votes: 32 35.2%
  • nailing

    Votes: 55 60.4%
  • a female christ

    Votes: 51 56.0%
  • nothing should be shown

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • also nothing should be implied, just bible will be read.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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20220221_115051.jpgmy version of being bought back to Pilate and the crowd after the flogging bet the crowd will go mad
If you was in the crowd what would you shout out
The state as crucifying Satan!? Good symbolism.
Unfortunately not my idea, but I could not give the reference, but it is in the large crucifixion literature. I proposed that the modern cross would not be a cross, but something like an oversized male sex robot. It would grab the condemned with arms, lift it and lowers it on the cornu (dildo/artificial penis). The advantage, naturally, it is not death penalty (well probably you could do that with extreme devices), one could easy made in public.... And, it would be quite a show!

Our story will continue with a normal cross, it is a reenactment eg. passion play, you remember. But Georg suggested an alternative religion, probably some devils could help.....

Sermon 3 (In the church)

John sits in the front row of the church reading a book, only ten minutes till the sermon starts when the Cox's step on the stage, entering from the backside door, behind them walks pastor Chuck. The Cox are wearing white bathrobes. Simultaneously, they throw them away and stand with spread legs before the cross. Pastor Chuck fixes their hands with handcuffs which were mounted at the cross. That moment Madeleine Brown, her daughter, her son and theirs spouses arrive at then church and sit next to John.

'Hi John, whatn you readin?', asks she.

'Under the eagle', answers John, 'one of a series of very good novels written by Simon Scarrow at the beginning of the 21th century. It is the story of two roman officers, Cato and Macro at about 40 to 60 after christ. Claudius was roman emperor then.'

'Do not know so exactly, but strange you as theoretical physicist read such things', means Madeleine.

'Math books are annoying, to many errors, you remember the breakdown of our universities in 2031?', he explains, ' I was a child then. Mathematics never recovered, while the physical science were able to adapt the correct theories of the flat earth and the 6000 year old earth. Since theoretical physics then already has introduced the holographic universe it was a piece of cake. Mathematics never recovered, since to many errors brought in by climate and corona fanatics. Just remember the crazy thing with the binomial formula.'

Madeleine discovers the three Cox family members, now bound to the cross. Her mouth opens. She sees the three bound to the cross, presenting their backsides. First of all, they used a Japanese fundoshi instead of the loincloth. While this was also done in the last sermon, which was widely disputed, this time through the static situation, the exposure was maximized. Steve Cox was standing bend forward, since his hands are cuffed lower on his cross and this effected in a nearly exposure of his asshole. Madeleine got the impression that in the middle of his ass it is more rounded, that is and must be what she thinks. His two sons stand normal but also here the loincloth improves the ass cheeks. Anyway their backside looks younger than 70 respectively 50 year old men.

'I didn't know, Steve's backside looks so s.... aeh, well trained', she addresses John Houston. John closes his book, looks at the three nearly nude man and then at Madeleine.

'Yes, indeed very, very sexy and they make a good announcement of their gym. I also started a training their, you know I have some problems with getting an erection, so he instructed me to some Kegel exercises. Why do you not also come, it is good for females also', John answers.

Madeleines head turns red, while her daughter begin to laugh. 'No, I did not know, and honestly I don't want to know, but I will also come to the training when you promise me to stay nice, else your erection is the smallest medical problem you will have', she answers.

'Deal', John says greeting the other church members which starts entering the church. Since the first row is occupied the newly entered, have a less obscene view, however the butt exposure can not been overlooked. Finally the church is full, the newly entered are beginning to sit on the floor and pastor Chuck opens the sermon:

Please open your bible in Luke chapter 18, verse 31, Jesus talks to his disciples:

31 Then he took unto him the twelve, and said unto them. Behold, we go up to Jerusalem, and all things that are written by the prophets concerning the Son of man shall be accomplished.

32 For he shall be delivered unto the Gentiles, and shall be mocked, and spitefully entreated, and spitted on:

33 And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again.

34 And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken.

It was a prediction, as you see. Scourge, we interpret as whipping, and the Gentiles indicate that we have to do with roman soldiers not the guards of the temples, I insist on that. How many strokes will he get? We do not know. It is suggested 39, as you know, because we read in the Tora, that it has the maximum of 40 and 40-1 is... However, the whipping was done by the romans, so they will just ignore it. Since Pontius Pilatus was surprised about the rapid death of christ, I think it was a small number, say 10 or so. Then 10!'

With the word 'Gentiles' Kathleen Walker and her grown-up daughters Hannah and Frances enters the stage from the backside. The younger daughter Hannah has been married to Lars Howard when she was 23 two years ago. They are dressed as Roman soldier. Frances is the fiancee of Hawk. They all had a whip in their hand. With 'Then 10!' Kathleen's whip slaps on the ass of Steve who cries in surprise and pain.

'Your friend seems not have tried out how it feels', comments Madeleine to John.

'Do you do flogging with your friend, regularly?' John asks back.

As if she heard it, Frances is behind Hawk and whack, whack she whips her friend with tremendous speed. Hawk doesn't react, probably because he is in shock. Meanwhile he other two flagellation proceed in normal speed.

'The flogging was a very often used punishment. Since their is a possibility that the condemned is dying during the treatment sometimes it is limited. In the Tora there is a limit of 40', explains pastor Chuck, 'more important is the humiliation associated with the flogging.'

In the meantime the flogging ended and the medical doctor of the city investigates the traces left over by the whip. He makes a thumps up and the three females begin to fix Steve Cox on the cross and later also his two sons. The frontside is better covered by the loincloth, so at least the shameful exhibition ended, much to the disappointment of Madeleine. The sedile was already there, but it was painful to sit on it, so the three try to lift themselves and fall back, when it is to painful in the arms. So all three go up and down on the cross.

Luckily, the sermon soon ended and the three are taken down after ten minutes.
But Georg suggested an alternative religion, probably some devils could help.....
Another idea is the worship of a naked crucified woman - the great whore of Babylon. She's Astarte, she's Aphrodite. In Cyprus, Aphrodite was crucified naked between her mortal lover Adonis and the dark-skinned god Dionysus.Of course we use ropes. Aphrodite is not a very powerful goddess, so she could only cause unrestrained lust for herself. Therefore, Adonis and Dionysus suffered from unbearable excitement on their crosses while Aphrodite was being raped en masse. Here is such a Cypriot mystery of love.
Another idea is the worship of a naked crucified woman - the great whore of Babylon. She's Astarte, she's Aphrodite. In Cyprus, Aphrodite was crucified naked between her mortal lover Adonis and the dark-skinned god Dionysus.Of course we use ropes. Aphrodite is not a very powerful goddess, so she could only cause unrestrained lust for herself. Therefore, Adonis and Dionysus suffered from unbearable excitement on their crosses while Aphrodite was being raped en masse. Here is such a Cypriot mystery of love.
You probably should research the "bathomet", I believe it is already represented in the Catholic Church. I suppose it is transgender, you find it male or females also.

Another idea is the worship of a naked crucified woman - the great whore of Babylon. She's Astarte, she's Aphrodite. In Cyprus, Aphrodite was crucified naked between her mortal lover Adonis and the dark-skinned god Dionysus.Of course we use ropes. Aphrodite is not a very powerful goddess, so she could only cause unrestrained lust for herself. Therefore, Adonis and Dionysus suffered from unbearable excitement on their crosses while Aphrodite was being raped en masse. Here is such a Cypriot mystery of love.

There is a lot to explore there. We have seen female christ figures here before, flanked by men, Andyman frequently does such images and several of us have done some of or for Yupar. the crucified queen/goddess, flanked by her erect, crucified male disciples.

Here's one of Messa and her worshippers

I'm hoping DFG's passion play stories will have some variation of this, I suspect they will.

You probably should research the "bathomet", I believe it is already represented in the Catholic Church. I suppose it is transgender, you find it male or females also.

Baphomet is not "represented" in the Catholic Church, you won't find any mention there. His most notorious mention in history is in the trial transcripts for the Knights Templar, who were accused of consorting with the devil, but a version appears as far back as the first crusade, when it seems to have been a variation of of the name Muhammed. It took on this mystical, goat headed persona as late as the 19th century.
There is a lot to explore there. We have seen female christ figures here before, flanked by men, Andyman frequently does such images and several of us have done some of or for Yupar. the crucified queen/goddess, flanked by her erect, crucified male disciples.

I'm hoping DFG's passion play stories will have some variation of this, I suspect they will.
Don't expect to much from my stories, but Sermon 4 already has a female christ figure (next one). That has interesting theological consequences, the mixed group cames later- It is surprising that the female christ contrary to the bible is popular, while the cornu not contrary to the bible is unpopular. I hope you see in my story how the acting persons struggle with the passion play.
I believed and still believe that this theme will be made as a game with a representative of the female Jesus. I find it more natural and also more exciting to put into this role, a woman who does not want to give up her convictions and is therefore humiliated, later dragged, tortured and finally crucified. Of course, it's just my opinion, make your own. However, I would like to see the female Jesus in the lead role of this game.
Baphomet is not "represented" in the Catholic Church, you won't find any mention there. His most notorious mention in history is in the trial transcripts for the Knights Templar, who were accused of consorting with the devil, but a version appears as far back as the first crusade, when it seems to have been a variation of of the name Muhammed. It took on this mystical, goat headed persona as late as the 19th century.
Most recently, the Baphomet has come to symbolize enlightenment and "freedom from religion" as practiced by the Satanic Temple. They are not Satan worshippers, as such, insofar as Satan is simply a symbol of anti-religion. But they commissioned the statue in protest to state legislatures in the USA (notably Arkansas - I think we've heard of that state somewhere) that wanted to put up sculptures of the Ten Commandments on the legislature grounds. The Satanic Temple and other groups were opposed to this as they said putting religious symbols on the legislative grounds went against freedom of religion. The Satanic Temple went one further though and said that if the Ten Commandments went up, then nobody should have any objections to their Baphomet going up, especially since their version of the Baphoment stood for enlightenment and reason over superstition. After a formal request to install Baphomet at the Arkansas legislature was refused, Satanic Temple members were granted leave to challenge the Ten Commandments monument.


Wondered a little if I could add a dildo/cornu in it. At least for female, I have own (yes, no internet pics!) pics done at an erotic exhibitions

of strippers extending their performance using penetrations, other say NO!!!! to this


We have naturally Empress Stah who makes their appearance with a light in her ass.

From males, I do not know... Guess it is done quite often to be honest. We have a fisting at an performance, you may know the pegging done by Elizabeth Pereira, was on Vimeo till deleted, so I could include it for amateurs, I guess....
well the erotic effects of spaghetti nailed to the cross is not to be beaten. But at any restaurant you do a passion play in that religion, by testing of the spaghetti is al dente.
Getting flogged with tomato sauce or ketchup covered al dente spaghetti strings is a harsh ordeal!:D
Sermon 4

Weare at the church council meeting after sermon 3. Pastor Chuck looks at Steve Cox and his two sons which were also parts of the meeting. Also the soldiers from the last sermon, Kathleen Walker and her grown-up daughters Hannah Howard and Frances Walker are in the meeting. 'Steve', he asks, 'how was it, what was the worst thing for you? Any troubles? How about the mooning to our church, did you had problems with that?'

'It is quite cumbersome, when someone sees your naked backside and you can not turn the head', begins Steve, 'but it is similar to the feeling at a bodybuilding competition where the audience is in the dark or on the stage of a theater. By the way I was not nude, we had a loincloth.'

'It is actually more a fundoshi than a loincloth', states John Houston.

'Yes true', states Chuck, 'however, we see in early depictions of the crucifixion of our Lord and savior just threw a towel over the genitals or even depict them. Naturally, some reasons are beyond the idea not making “porn” in church, however in reality he was surely nude. We will address that theme, because it is important.'

'That is indicated by our poll, now the nudity leads with 77%, short before flogging 74% and a female christ is 59%', comments Madeleine.

'Yes, the flogging was in the last sermon', says pastor Chuck, 'how was it Steve?'

'Hm, not good, actually', tells a dejected Steve. 'I first thought it is no problem, because only ten strikes....'

'But it made more pain, than I thought', Steve continues, 'so I could not sit and my sons and me went up an down at the cross.'

'You must know the so called death dance', explains pastor Chuck, 'I did not discuss that yet. We have also the symbolism with the beast used in the bible. However, in the next sermon I will discuss the female christ. It was wished by 59% so we discuss it. Luckily, Kathleen and her daughters already agreed to replace Steve. We make only a static display, not so much action. You three can sit on the sedile the hour for the sermon, arms bound up. So that should be no problem we will test it. Are you ok, with that?'

'Yes, happy to do it', says Kathleen.

'I do not see a problem', means Frances.

'We did not spoke about the dress code', remembers Hannah, the married daughter, 'should we use the loincloth style used by Mr. Cox?'

'Yes and no', answers pastor Chuck, 'you can wear under it a bikini, or a decent bathing suit. How is it for you, Kathleen? Is that possible for you? You will get 60 in the near future.'

'Very charming, pastor', answers a not so pleased Kathleen, 'yes me and my daughters surely still can wear bikinis, we will do it like you suggested.'

'Then we meet for the endurance test, tomorrow and I can close this session. Was a short one, very good', means a satisfied Chuck.
Sermon 4

Pastor Chuck and Steve Cox open the backdoor and enter the stage. John Houston already sits in the church reading a book. 'Hi, John. Early as always , can you come up here helping us to crucify Kathleen and her daughters, the endurance test was okay', addresses Chuck his church member.

'Okay, where is the hammer and the nails?', he asks while stepping on the stage.

'Did someone already told you, that you are not funny?', asks Steve his friend.

'Yes, the students after every lecture', John means.

Kathleen and her daughters, Hannah Howard and Frances Walker step on the stage they wear a blue bath robe.

'Hannah you are here on the left side', orders Chuck.

'Bad thief is coming', she smiles and throws away the bath robe. She wears a pink bikini under the it and over the bikini shorts she wears the fundoshi type loincloth we know from Steve in white. She has brownish short hair and a small figure. The color of the pink bikini is close to her skin color, so one might get the impression of her to be nude from a larger distance. Chuck looks at her and states: 'Yes, perfect, as I imagined. Let us help her on the cross.'

Steve and Chuck lift her up onto the small sedile and fix her arms on the patibulum and then fix the feet on the side of the vertical bar. 'Perfect', says Chuck again,'be careful not to fell from the sedile then the hour should be no problem let us now mount Frances.'

Frances also removes the bath robe and she looks similar to her sister, but she has very long hair in the same color and her loincloth is brownish. She also wears a pink bikini, but this one has some embroideries and is cut much more nearly as tanga. Frances die a lot of training, so she present a six-pack. Frances smiles, when she sees the three males starring at her body, so the time needed to fix her on the cross is doubled compared to her sister.

'Uff, we did it', remarks Steve, 'guess we now crucify Kathleen.'

'Yes, you have luck this time', jokes John.

'Okay, I am ready', says Kathleen and removes the bathing robe. She has short brown, obviously colored hair and she has also a sporty body, her loincloth is blue. But she wears no bikini! Her breast despite her age is still apple shape with only a little hanging. It is obvious she is proud of them.

'Mama', cries Hannah, 'why are you nude, you ashame us!'

'My daughter', answers Kathleen, 'first: technically I am not nude and secondly at some age you used up all your shame.'

'My sister again', tampers Frances, 'let me down, I want to remove that silly bikini to!'

'No', decides pastor Chuck, 'it is your humiliation, to wear that silly bikini, while your mother can show her beautiful breasts!'

'Youyou...you', cries Frances, 'you are a devil. You will burn in hell!'

Steve, Chuck and John laugh. 'That is to crazy', says Steve. He and John go to their sitting places, Madeleine is alreadyhere and the church member begin to enter the church, starring at the half-nude female at the cross.

After five minutes all the church members seem to be here and Chuck begins his sermon.

'All the church members seem to be here so I can begin the sermon', he starts, 'as you have probably noticed we have today the theme of the female christ.' The people begin to laugh. We read the Philippians 2.7 and 2.8 of our King James bible.

2.7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:
2.8 And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.

So we see, that Jesus Christ was definitively a man when he came to earth. We imagine him normally as fully operational man, who has all our desires, all our problems. But and this is the but that counts: He became obedient, that means he did not begin a sin. This was the main point, the obedience to GOD not the roman state. This picture was extended by bringing up the picture of the bride of christ, meaning the church. So when we replace Jesus as women we mix up the teaching.

On the other hand do not think woman are minor or superior to man, remember they are one flesh and became one in marriage.'

'In a passion play, we always now that the person on the cross is not Jesus, so also no blasphemy is possible. We however should think, if it is useful to depict the suffering of Christ, or if we should just describe her.'

The pastor indicates that a choral is sung. After the singing ended, he addresses Kathleen: 'We should appreciate the openness of Kathleen Walker in her depiction of Christ, we will remember that a long time, please applaud.' The church stand up and applaud, that is how sermon 4 ends.
It is a funny fact, that for this rather simple idea, that people are in the socially acceptable bathing suit crucified in some theatrical crucifixion I was not find a foto. Someone here might find! I have a "scandalous" pic of Sophia Thomalla (the daughter of the reasonably famous German movie actress and Playboy model Simone)


Even not many half nude will be found, one you may know is reasonable (and sexy)

reasonable.jpg or lesssophiethomalla2.jpg most are nude, a good one as example323_1000.jpg

You may wonder how Kathleen would look, like this female I guess


the original is


One point to the theme blasphemy, this three with the towel wrapped like coming from a sauna, are more blasphemous as if they would be nude, or to be "acting" using swim trunks...

The last thing I would like to see in a public crucifixion performance, is a bath suit or a swim trunk! That would be blasphemous, regardless whether the performance would be intended as a passion play or not!:eek:
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