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You have to organise a passion play

What has to be shown and not implied?

  • Bonding, wearing patibulum

    Votes: 56 61.5%
  • flogging

    Votes: 68 74.7%
  • nudity: penis or vagina visible

    Votes: 67 73.6%
  • moking

    Votes: 27 29.7%
  • anal rape

    Votes: 24 26.4%
  • cornu

    Votes: 32 35.2%
  • nailing

    Votes: 55 60.4%
  • a female christ

    Votes: 51 56.0%
  • nothing should be shown

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • also nothing should be implied, just bible will be read.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I have a twofold attitude to this issue. If we are talking about modifying the rituals of real Christianity, then even for an atheist, such passion plays seem to be an desecration on creed.
In Christianity there is an interesting mixture of high and low, which occupied the ancient theologians.
The high is the idea of the self-sacrifice of the almighty creator God for the salvation (elevation to God) of mortal people.
Low is a shameful execution as a redemptive sacrifice. In fact, people are mortal not because they have sinned, but because evolution is so arranged - they only have to invent immortality. And world religions arose without the martyrdom of the prophet.
So I have another suggestion. Let's come up with a passionate play for a parody religion!
Let 's take the Dionysian layer of Christianity as a basis. The mysteries of Dionysus are after all a ritual sacrifice of a young man for the sake of fertility. Let's say there is a strange religious cult in some fantasy world, where a black god (not an absolute God, but one of the pagan individual gods) redeemed "original sin" by his shameful "execution" through crucifixion on the cross, thanks to which adultery without sin became possible.In paradise, people went naked and had sex as much as they liked, then they knew shame and thereby lost paradise, but after the redemption by crucifixion, they literally found this paradise. A religious cult - a parody of the liturgy - consists in an exact reproduction of the atonement. The young man is whipped and crucified on the cross naked, of course with ropes - not a lethal "execution", but there will still be a lot of torment. Nearby, they also crucify a "good robber", let's say a runaway slave who will find paradise. She will not get rid of the pain and humiliation of crucifixion, but will experience many public orgasms. This is the promised "paradise" On the other side, they crucify the "bad robber or robber" who does not believe in this stupid game, and therefore simply feels shame and pain. This is also an interesting role - an atheist who does not believe in the "invisible pink unicorn" among the depraved fans of the flying horse :))Finally, girls gather at the cross to "commune" with flesh and seed, that is, to give a blowjob to the main participant of the action. Moreover, the sacrificial youth is sown until he loses consciousness. Almost a real sacrifice! It is believed that the first to perform this ritual was "Mary Magdalene", who of course was a harlot and the bride of the Redeemer, who was indulgent to sinners, because he was redeemer.
Of course, all this is too reminiscent of the black Mass, but you can always say that this is an obscenity of paganism.
I have a twofold attitude to this issue. If we are talking about modifying the rituals of real Christianity, then even for an atheist, such passion plays seem to be an desecration on creed.
In Christianity there is an interesting mixture of high and low, which occupied the ancient theologians.
The high is the idea of the self-sacrifice of the almighty creator God for the salvation (elevation to God) of mortal people.
Low is a shameful execution as a redemptive sacrifice. In fact, people are mortal not because they have sinned, but because evolution is so arranged - they only have to invent immortality. And world religions arose without the martyrdom of the prophet.
Actually no, think you were mislead by the so-called scientism religion. Some bible-believers think that the original sin, brought in death which at the end will be overcome (bound together with satan and burned in hell). Naturally I do not force you to believe that, but a lot of christian thinking is around overcoming death, and this was only possible for Jesus and so he must help them to do it.
So I have another suggestion. Let's come up with a passionate play for a parody religion!
Very good idea.
Let 's take the Dionysian layer of Christianity as a basis. The mysteries of Dionysus are after all a ritual sacrifice of a young man for the sake of fertility. Let's say there is a strange religious cult in some fantasy world, where a black god (not an absolute God, but one of the pagan individual gods) redeemed "original sin" by his shameful "execution" through crucifixion on the cross, thanks to which adultery without sin became possible.In paradise, people went naked and had sex as much as they liked, then they knew shame and thereby lost paradise, but after the redemption by crucifixion, they literally found this paradise. A religious cult - a parody of the liturgy - consists in an exact reproduction of the atonement. The young man is whipped and crucified on the cross naked, of course with ropes - not a lethal "execution", but there will still be a lot of torment. Nearby, they also crucify a "good robber", let's say a runaway slave who will find paradise. She will not get rid of the pain and humiliation of crucifixion, but will experience many public orgasms. This is the promised "paradise" On the other side, they crucify the "bad robber or robber" who does not believe in this stupid game, and therefore simply feels shame and pain. This is also an interesting role - an atheist who does not believe in the "invisible pink unicorn" among the depraved fans of the flying horse :))Finally, girls gather at the cross to "commune" with flesh and seed, that is, to give a blowjob to the main participant of the action. Moreover, the sacrificial youth is sown until he loses consciousness. Almost a real sacrifice! It is believed that the first to perform this ritual was "Mary Magdalene", who of course was a harlot and the bride of the Redeemer, who was indulgent to sinners, because he was redeemer.
Of course, all this is too reminiscent of the black Mass, but you can always say that this is an obscenity of paganism.
Also think of pharaoh who had to masturbate into the nile, well me would prefer that, but many males like blowjobs, I guess. But we could imagine that the oldest member of the church has to do that and the crucified is not taken down, before he had an orgasm...... Hahaha
Sermon 3

The next church council meeting reviews the setting. Pastor Chuck starts the discussion about the crucifixion topic:

'Our crucifixion was quite well received by the community of the church member. I am a little surprised, I must tell you. However, there are things I do not like. For example made Steve a show from it, but I accept it because of his professional bodybuilding gym. I always think that we should bring in our personality in the praying and believing.'

'So, we continue with that?', asks John Houston surprised.

'Yes, we continue and you are next', proposes Steve Cox.

'Easy, easy', calms Chuck the two friends,'I indeed have many church member willing to volunteer the next Sunday, actually I can nearly fill all times, if we do it every 2 weeks, or crucify them two times in a row. I decided we do it like this.'

'So I will be again crucified', asks Steve.

'Yes', answers pastor Chuck.

'Sure, who else?', states John and get angry looks from pastor Chuck and Steve. Madeleine Brown who also joined the meeting begins to laugh. Madeleine Brown is an older member of the church, she is around 70 and retired math teacher. She has two kids a son of 35 and a 30 year old daughter, which are also member of the church. She is a sporty lady, relatively thin and wears short grey hairs and seems always to laugh about the ignorant peoples around her.

'Madeleine has done some evaluation under our church members', states Chuck Denslinger, 'she asks for example, who is willing to take part of the crucifixion.'

'Yes, I did', continues Madeleine, 'astonishingly 91 % of our church member are willing to be crucified.'

'That is not unexpected', comments pastor Chuck, 'we have very motivated church members. Tell us also about what we should show.

'Very strange, indeed', answers Madeleine, 'I asked different things and the result of what people would like to organize or take part:

Flogging 74.5 %

nudity: penis or vagina visible 74.5 %

a female christ 61.8 %

Nailing 60.0 %
Bonding, wearing patibulum 58.5%'

'Oh', says, Steve Cox.

Madeleine continues: 'Some things are not that popular, for example

Cornu 40.0 %
anal rape 30.9 %'

'What a pity', comments John Houston, 'so I can not rape Steve or you Madeleine?'

'Yes, you got it', smiles Madeleine.

'Just try', means Steve.

'You two do not know, what you miss', explains John.

'Please', shouts Chuck, 'let us go back to the serious stuff. What follows from that for our little exhibitions?

'I like it more static and iconic the next time makes it more serious', suggest Madeleine.

'That is a good suggestion', agrees Chuck, 'I think we concentrate on one topic. How many want to participate?'

'We have 81 people volunteering divided by 3 means 27 weeks or one year when we put a crucification every 2 weeks', answers Madeleine.

'We will define a group of three for two weeks and we will make a topic, which will be discussed for two weeks', decides Chuck.

'There are interesting facts, indeed', starts John an analysis.

'Many like nude and flogging, so we have to do that, no doubt. Do we have a problem with a female on cross playing Jesus, Chuck?' asks John first.

'No not at all, I already prepared preachings about this. I am surprised about the result of the cornu and the rape, well it is already a lot, when Jesus is nude at the cross, quite unusual. Steve you are again with your sons on the cross next week. What about your thoughts about nudity?' he addresses Steve Cox.

'As I said, I am not for being raped by John Houston, but I have no problem with being nude and a cornu I can take like a man', answers Steve.

'As, you wish, or probably the flogging first. Come with your sons anytime, so we check, then I can prepare the sermon', closes Chuck.

'With that, I think I close the church meeting. We see us next Sunday and then to the next church assembly in a week', closes John Houston the meeting.
Actually no, think you were mislead by the so-called scientism religion. Some bible-believers think that the original sin, brought in death which at the end will be overcome (bound together with satan and burned in hell). Naturally I do not force you to believe that, but a lot of christian thinking is around overcoming death, and this was only possible for Jesus and so he must help them to do it.
The Resurrection of Christ symbolizes victory over death. This is a humanistic idea. From the point of view of science, death is an instrument of evolutionary selection. People in the future will be able to get rid of death with the help of biotechnology and digitization of consciousness. That is, the sacrifice is not necessary. So the crucifixion in the passion play must have a different meaning. In other words, the introduction of sexuality into the Christian liturgy seems to me wrong. But a pagan passion play can be interesting. One can recall Julian the Apostate or the beautiful young man Antinous, who sacrificed himself for the Emperor Hadrian. And it is even better to transfer the actions in general to some fantasy world.
The Resurrection of Christ symbolizes victory over death. This is a humanistic idea. From the point of view of science, death is an instrument of evolutionary selection. People in the future will be able to get rid of death with the help of biotechnology and digitization of consciousness. That is, the sacrifice is not necessary. So the crucifixion in the passion play must have a different meaning. In other words, the introduction of sexuality into the Christian liturgy seems to me wrong. But a pagan passion play can be interesting. One can recall Julian the Apostate or the beautiful young man Antinous, who sacrificed himself for the Emperor Hadrian. And it is even better to transfer the actions in general to some fantasy world.
I think, early Christianism had many attractors, including the prospect of the 'eternal' soul. There were also socio-economical and social attractors about daily life (e.g., the position of the woman in society in the Christian view was better than in Roman law, or the views of Cjristianity on slavery). To my opinion, there must also have been an erotic attractor, related to the circumstances of the crucifixion of Christ. There was, I think, together with spritual zeal, a sense hidden erotical masochism, that made many believers stubbornly refuse to repent their faith, knowing they would get torturered and killed in the circus, perhaps naked, in front of hundreds of onlookers.
At least that combination of zeal and exhibitionist submission, is clearly refelected in even today's representations of Christian's martyrdom, e.g. some movie versions and illustrations for the novel Quo Vadis, and Stykka's lost panorama of the martyrdom in Nero's circus.
The Resurrection of Christ symbolizes victory over death. This is a humanistic idea. From the point of view of science, death is an instrument of evolutionary selection. People in the future will be able to get rid of death with the help of biotechnology and digitization of consciousness. That is, the sacrifice is not necessary. So the crucifixion in the passion play must have a different
Naturally your science itself is a religion, called scientism. What I understand as science is completely different. In my science it is impossible, that biotechnology can improve your health in anyway. However, I do not go into detail here, because we should stay friendly in this beautiful community. My point is, you might agree or not, that
the christian and probably even more the jewish peoples have taken out the sexuality completely and this leaded to twisted and satanic situations, mainly in the catholic church (we all know about that). I argued that if there was something against sexuality from godly side we could hardly do it. For example if God had something against anal sex, the penis would not fit into the colum, for example also the sphincter muscle would be not able to close around an erected penis . The hints we see in the bible (not lying like a female by a man) are more to be seen as cultural warning, in my opinion.
meaning. In other words, the introduction of sexuality into the Christian liturgy seems to me wrong. But a pagan passion play can be interesting. One can recall Julian the Apostate or the beautiful young man Antinous, who sacrificed himself for the Emperor Hadrian. And it is even better to transfer the actions in general to some fantasy world.
You can naturally develop an own fantasy..... Or even better organise a pagan Easter, you could also use the bunny symbolism from Playboy=Easter Bunny.
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I think that a discussion about science and religion is not very appropriate here. In my opinion, Christian humanism and scientific humanism stand on the same side of the barricades in terms of values, but differ in method. In particular, the question of whether biotechnologies can improve health is a matter of experiment, not belief.
Christian doctrine naturally does not consider voluptuousness a virtue. Therefore, even for an atheist, the literal answer to the question "is it possible to add elements of eroticism to a Christian passion play?" is negative. But if the answer is not literal and if we want to arrange a pseudo-Christian show, a pagan mystery or a ritual of a parody religion, then the possibilities for eroticism are the widest.
True! But there is a third pole, in the minds of people where doctrine and crucifixion fetish merge
Here I wanted to distinguish the doctrine of salvation from the doctrine of redemption. The Savior can also be a Buddha who has ceased to desire and therefore has ceased to suffer. But the atoning sacrifice requires a shameful execution by crucifixion.
n "is it possible to add elements of eroticism to a Christian passion play?" is negative.
As you believe in "experiments" I just mention that a lot of people consider passion plays extremely erotic. Me not the way they are done, that is why I try to change it. You should probably watch one time Sebastiane (of saint Sebastian), by Derek Jarmon. That is an extremely erotically motivated movie, even for you might be different. I consider my beliefe as human, but your thinking about redemption and salvation is very interesting.
So I want to highlight that subtle, elusive substance that makes passion plays erotic. The story of Salvation itself does not carry an erotic charge - the Buddha is impassive. The story of the atoning sacrifice carries a strong erotic charge. That is, in order to eroticize the passionate game, it is necessary that Jesus be not the Savior, but only the Redeemer. To do this, you need to change theology. If you come up with other types of religions in which a Christian is not obliged to believe, then an erotic passion plays will fit into them very organically. The eroticism of the passion play is pagan in Christianity.
So I want to highlight that subtle, elusive substance that makes passion plays erotic. The story of Salvation itself does not carry an erotic charge - the Buddha is impassive. The story of the atoning sacrifice carries a strong erotic charge. That is, in order to eroticize the passionate game, it is necessary that Jesus be not the Savior, but only the Redeemer. To do this, you need to change theology. If you come up with other types of religions in which a Christian is not obliged to believe, then an erotic passion plays will fit into them very organically. The eroticism of the passion play is pagan in Christianity.
I can imagine, that there may have been more than one self-declared messiah crucified in Jerusalem, in that era, when he (or she) made too much trouble, questioning the established religious powers. Crucified between two criminals, to degrade him to that level. So, he whole passion play can be imagined completely detached of theological views or doctrines.
I can imagine, that there may have been more than one self-declared messiah crucified in Jerusalem, in that era, when he (or she) made too much trouble, questioning the established religious powers. Crucified between two criminals, to degrade him to that level. So, he whole passion play can be imagined completely detached of theological views or doctrines.
The Romans degraded jesus by stripping him for the flogging dressing him up and then a crown of thorns then when they crucified him he was stripped naked the two thieves were left with their loincloths on
So I want to highlight that subtle, elusive substance that makes passion plays erotic. The story of Salvation itself does not carry an erotic charge - the Buddha is impassive. The story of the atoning sacrifice carries a strong erotic charge. That is, in order to eroticize the passionate game, it is necessary that Jesus be not the Savior, but only the Redeemer. To do this, you need to change theology. If you come up with other types of religions in which a Christian is not obliged to believe, then an erotic passion plays will fit into them very organically. The eroticism of the passion play is pagan in Christianity.
I would also point out, and it will be part later in the story that the roman also indicated with the crucification and the death dance that the victim is symbolically fucked by the state, respectively by one of the god representing the state (Primps probably). It was in those time also shamefully to be penetrated anally, when you are a man and only then. Naturally this is n longer the case in our society. The first problem, solved by the biblically narrative, was that it is not shameful, also because it was forced. Today we argue the other way around, since it was forced it was no shame. So we have three points
- humiliation
- mockery

In that sense it makes no sense to crucify women!

You may found it ironic, that the christians wearing a cross in some sense show a sex symbol, they could use a penis form instead.

My avatar symbolises that, in the sense I used the pic of a nude devil (for me the state is satan) and just put a nude self-pic before, also with physically impossible continuation.

1Darkness Darth_Hell Satan demon devil legend red_demon copy.jpgawatar.jpg
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