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Crisis at Cruxton Abbey

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“Yes, well … the first to arrive this morning, as it turned out, was Mr. @Jollyrei from Canada. Something quite odd about the chap, if I may say so. He appears … well … uh … rather … I believe cadaverous is the word I would best use to describe his appearance. When I offered to take his cloak, the chap refused. And as he held up his hand in refusal, I could swear I saw daylight coming through it, and at the same time I experienced a rush of icy cold air.”
There is one aspect of Cruxton Abbey, that has been given as good as no attention, as yet!
But one may assume that, like in every old and venerable British manor that respects itself, Cruxton Abbey may shelter a residential ghost, haunting around.
Let's hope that the arrival of Mr. Jollyrei would not upset the spirit too much. Such wandering souls always have a troubled history, often including a violent clash with Grim Reaper! There might still be bills to settle between them! It would be unlucky if the ghost's enduring rancor would disturb the upcoming shows!
Be watchful for rattling chains in the dungeon, books reading themselves in the library, the sound of cracking footsteps in deserted attics or gusts of cold wind in the corridors, powerful enough to rip off the female staff's clothing! :eek:
I’m all caught up now! @Barbaria1 I’m so sorry for my absence, but the journey to Cruxton Abbey for me was such a great and long odyssey full of terror and torture, peril and pain, that my tardiness was all but assured. (I woke up late, and missed the flight).

With the blessing of @thehangingtree I would like to honor my contract to the Cruxton Abbey for this production. We can’t have these ladies hanging in those wonderful crosses without a proper look. I’ll be the hair and makeup specialist, of course. A full face of makeup, foundation, tear-proof mascara (or, if you prefer, extra runny black mascara), bright red lipstick for all, nail polish (red, nude, white, or black) and maybe even some complimentary hoop earrings and cross necklaces for accessories. Subtler looks are also available, and I am very flexible with regards to the desires of our benefactors.

The most important bit will be the hair, however. You may not want to have lipstick and jewelry, to properly display yourself upon the cross, but you will have the finest most beautiful hair ever seen by the likes of the abbey. I’ll have everything available; hair ties, scrunchies, claw clips, headbands, but most importantly crowns; rose thorns and bare thorns are the options. It will be a perfect frame for your suffering face.

Of course there will be a discount for the services rendered on account of my tardiness, but I still won’t come cheap. Make sure to write out the check on account of “hair and nails”. I’ll need proper lodging and easy access to the dungeons; I’ll want to have my fun as well, before I set up for the beauty session.
I would like to honor my contract to the Cruxton Abbey for this production.......Make sure to write out the check on account of “hair and nails”. I’ll need proper lodging and easy access to the dungeons; I’ll want to have my fun as well, before I set up for the beauty session.
As Cruxton Abbey is nothing if not punctilious, the correct spelling of the instrument of payment is cheque - just to be clear.

The easiest access to the dungeon is directly from one's proper lodging which is a cold, nasty cell in that same dungeon. Don't forget to tip the porter. ;)
Be watchful for rattling chains in the dungeon, books reading themselves in the library, the sound of cracking footsteps in deserted attics or gusts of cold wind in the corridors, powerful enough to rip off the female staff's clothing!
“Yes, well … the first to arrive this morning, as it turned out, was Mr. @Jollyrei from Canada. Something quite odd about the chap, if I may say so. He appears … well … uh … rather … I believe cadaverous is the word I would best use to describe his appearance. When I offered to take his cloak, the chap refused. And as he held up his hand in refusal, I could swear I saw daylight coming through it, and at the same time I experienced a rush of icy cold air.”
Madiosi2024-016 cruxton.jpg
Wonderful ! It's taken me a while to get here but now i'm fully up to speed.

One question. Would Ticketmaster be able to supply tickets for this much anticipated event, to watch live? Is it being screened for later viewing, or streamed on YouTube, or maybe Netflix ... Pornhub?

I think I will message Lord Wragg ...
I doubt Ticketmaster has capacity to book anything other than Taylor Swift! As for media access to the Cruxton Abbey Golgotha Dungeon Tour, the only availability conceivable is on the Deep, Deep, Dark Web. That is so freakin' deep that it will evade MI5, Interpol and even SPECTRE! :grinning-smiley-048:

But maybe lord Wragg has made other arrangements.
As Cruxton Abbey is nothing if not punctilious, the correct spelling of the instrument of payment is cheque - just to be clear.

The easiest access to the dungeon is directly from one's proper lodging which is a cold, nasty cell in that same dungeon. Don't forget to tip the porter. ;)
Actually is spelled “v-e-n-m-o” and you use your phone for it. I can also take Bitcoin. I also offer braiding, branding, and breaking, in addition to all other services aforementioned. And I need a room with some proper sunlight, if it pleases you, I can’t decide on the shade of foundation in the dark, thank you very much.

Wonderful ! It's taken me a while to get here but now i'm fully up to speed.

One question. Would Ticketmaster be able to supply tickets for this much anticipated event, to watch live? Is it being screened for later viewing, or streamed on YouTube, or maybe Netflix ... Pornhub?

I think I will message Lord Wragg ...
it will be live-streamed as a pay-per view, with an additional and very exclusive and expensive live viewing only for the most privileged few who can fit into the admittedly graciously appointed and grandiose spaces of the Abbey.
“Yes, well … the first to arrive this morning, as it turned out, was Mr. @Jollyrei from Canada. Something quite odd about the chap, if I may say so. He appears … well … uh … rather … I believe cadaverous is the word I would best use to describe his appearance. When I offered to take his cloak, the chap refused. And as he held up his hand in refusal, I could swear I saw daylight coming through it, and at the same time I experienced a rush of icy cold air.”
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Briggs (looks like Mr. Carson) appears to be smelling the stench of decomposition.
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I doubt Ticketmaster has capacity to book anything other than Taylor Swift! As for media access to the Cruxton Abbey Golgotha Dungeon Tour, the only availability conceivable is on the Deep, Deep, Dark Web. That is so freakin' deep that it will evade MI5, Interpol and even SPECTRE! :grinning-smiley-048:

But maybe lord Wragg has made other arrangements.
I dearly hope that if those agencies are interested the they have the common decency to send a few beautiful ladies to join the fun. Once the contracts are signed it will be legal; Cruxton Abbey may very well be in a lovely world without pesky things like “human rights” “women’s suffrage*” or “international law”.

*women’s suffering however, is in tremendous abundance
“Yes, she’s not on the guest list, and I did try to politely point that out to her. But, she got rather angry and threatened … how did she put it … oh yes … ‘to punch me out’ … if I didn’t ‘get the fuck out of her way’.”
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It seems me, she smoked a Madame Wu.
“Yes, she’s not on the guest list, and I did try to politely point that out to her. But, she got rather angry and threatened … how did she put it … oh yes … ‘to punch me out’ … if I didn’t ‘get the fuck out of her way’.”
We should just put her on the staff list and assign her quarters in the deepest depths of the dungeon. Once she's wearing her handcuffs and gag and the dungeon door has slammed shut behind her, everything will be fine.
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