In the small suburban inn three women met one day. They were women, so they begun to talk and the talk soon went to the politics, as usuall.
"Andreas? The city maior? He's a rogue...!", a young vestal dressed in the travelling cloak said with anger, "I have been told, he wanted to extend the wing of his palace so he destroyed the neighbouring temple and annected the sacred grounds! But the gods will punish him, you will see!"
The bartender nodded.
"And he collected two blank new taxes from all the inn-keepers this year! It will ruin my business! He shall die in pain, the damned thief!"
"You can be sure that one day he will wake up with a knife in his throat", murmured the butcher's wife, sitting in the corner with a mug of thin wine.
The fourth woman smiled but she didn't say anything because she was in a hurry, so she paid for a meal and got out waving her hand.
None of the three remaining suspected her. They forgot that the walls have ears and so they were surprised when ten minutes later the troop of the leggionnaires entered the inn.
"A conspiracy?", asked the officer with a smile, "Very well. The crosses on the hill are longing for fresh bodies. Come with me, all of you! The resistance will be futile."
"And I wish you a merry afternoon", added with a wide smile the fourth woman, who returned together with the soldiers to the inn, "I am sure you will not be bored!"
And she was damn right.